Student Council
Student Council News (May 2023)
Since Christmas the student council has been very busy. Let me tell you what we have been up to:
We started having termly assemblies. The student council and the green school committee often talk at these assemblies about important issues that arise in school life.
We helped plan and organise ‘Tree Day’. We made posters and encouraged students to dress in green. Everyone brought in €2 and we raised €660! This means 3,300 trees will be planted in our school’s name in Malawi in Africa.
We have been doing a lot of work outside. We painted borders for the flower beds, we planted bulbs in the front flower beds and we recently planted six native Irish trees around the school.
On the 8th/9th May we celebrated EU Day because it is the anniversary of Ireland being in the European Union for 50 years! The two third classes sang the EU anthem ‘Ode to Joy’ in both English and Irish and the student council spoke about how Ireland has grown and changed since joining the European Union.
Plans for the rest of the year
For the last term of this year we hope to help out with International Day and Music Week. International Day will be at the beginning of June and Music Week will be at the end of June. We will also continue to work hard on the school garden and create our final radio show of the year. All in all, we have been doing a lot of work to keep our school a very happy place.
By Maebh