Parents' Association - AGM 2020
7pm, Tuesday 24th November 2020
Virtual meeting via Zoom
Dear Parent/Guardian
Like many groups we have had to adjust our plans this year and would normally hold our AGM in the school. However, this year’s AGM will take place on Tuesday November 24th at 7pm, as a virtual event via Zoom.
If you would like to attend please register your interest by emailing by Friday 20 November. The link and password to the virtual AGM will be emailed on or before Monday 23 November.
The meeting is expected to last around 30 minutes or so with the key items being the:
Chairperson's Address
Treasurer's Report
Principal's Address
Announcement of New Officers for 2020/21.
If you would like to be considered for one of the officer positions please click here for further details.
We look forward to seeing you then.
Kind regards,
St Columba’s School Parents’ Association